Self-Love Or Empowerment?

666 Angel Number 666 Meaning: Stop and Hear Loyal Council, Now.

666 angel numer meaning: Council

Seeing angel number 666 is a blessing in disguise. Congratulations! 

You have some very good friends.

You were guided to this page because of your relationship with unseen allies and angels. Your spiritual support team is very loyal to you.  

While it has long been thought of as the mark of the beast, this ancient trickster is nothing more than a thief who has no ownership over any numbers. All numbers originate from Source and are a part of divine perfection. You were guided here to remember the true angel number 666 meaning: loyalty. The mark of the beast is a prideful inversion of this divine truth.

Betrayal is an unnatural occurrence. 

But the loyalty of Source, your unseen allies, and your angels is eternally perfect.

Let’s explore the true meaning behind angel number 666. The following message contains some invaluable reminders, explanations, and new possibilities for your relationships, and there is a very good likelihood of your heart healing as we proceed.

Again, congratulations, because to find this page you had to choose loyalty in the face of doubts and disbeliefs. The more loyal you are to your true guidance, the more you will discover how wonderfully you are supported.

You are greatly loved.

Your Unseen Ally can offer you sound council and help you get free from negative energy.

Take Responsibility

Angel number 666 meaning: Be Responsible

Perhaps the most important angel number 666 meaning is responsibility. 

When you saw 666, what was your initial response? What did you think and feel? Then, what were the steps that led you here to read these words right now?

You saw the sign. You heeded your intuition. You took responsibility and acted.

You were then guided here.

Where you focus, your lifeforce flows.

You could have easily given into fear, laziness, or judgement; instead, you took hold of the reins of your lifeforce. Seeing 666 is an invitation to check and see where your lifeforce has been going. Where has your focus been?

Your Unseen Ally is inviting you to take full responsibility for your life. Nothing is happening to you, but much is happening for you. It is your task and sacred duty to take responsibility with how you are living life. Your relationships have a considerable effect on your life, and there are three master relationships you are asked to consider:


The first, most important, and most beneficial relationship in your life is with Source. Source is the CEO of angelic invitation (and creator of eternity), the master strategist behind angel numbers, and the constantly-beneficial guiding force that always supports you.

Life happens for you, not against you. 

But three-dimensional life on earth can be very difficult at times. It is easy to get pushed around, entangled, or delayed by the many distractions that want to steal your focus. Your focus directs your lifeforce, and your lifeforce is a divinely empowering, illuminating, and loving essence.

There are countless tricky factors that want to have your focus, but your focus belongs to you and only you. Bullies try to trick you with force. Underminers want to trick you with manipulations. And delayers want to trick you with procrastination and confusion. 

Angel number 666 indicates that your unseen allies and angels are inviting you to refocus on Source by asking yourself the following questions:

What if I have been focusing too much on a problem (or unhealthy relationship) and all I must do is refocus on my connection with Source?

What if Source loves me much more than I think? What if Source answers all my prayers and intentions? What if my prayers and intentions are manifesting, right now, through Divine Timing and Law?

What if Source never betrays me? What if Source is sending me many solutions, tools, and opportunities I must be on the lookout for? What if I am being greatly supported by my Unseen Ally?

What if my problems are much smaller than Source? 

What would happen if I took full responsibility for my focus and I stopped focusing so much on problems (or unhealthy relationships) and really focused on the above questions?

As you focus on Source, your Unseen Ally (whom we will discuss at the end of this article) can and does directly support you.


Seeing angel number 666 indicates that your Unseen Ally is inviting you to be a better friend to yourself. A real friend. A true friend. Take responsibility for your wellbeing.

How do you speak to yourself? How are you treating yourself? Are you giving yourself time to do things you like? Are you feeding your body healthy foods? Are you getting your work done? Are you working too much? Are you putting off something that would help you?

Taking responsibility for yourself is all about tuning into the deeper voice of truth within you. You always know what to do, but sometimes you play when you know you need to work, and other times you work when you know you deserve play.

The echoes of the past do not rule you, and the voice of tricksters is NOT in charge. Tricksters are nothing more than the collective bullies, underminers, and delayers who have hindered you from your True Path.

You are in charge. Take full responsibility. You choose your focus at every moment. And in this moment, what really deserves your focus? What is the truth and not just old stories?

You deserve truth because truth sets you free.

Still, sometimes our past and present relationships cause us to ignore the truth.

Your Relationships

Seeing 666 is a call to pause for just a moment and allow yourself to assess your relationships, because not all relationships are balanced. 

Your Unseen Ally invites you to appreciate that there are several different kinds of relationships, and since you were guided to this message, you likely have a very loving and big heart. You also have some empathic abilities that are either hidden or known to you.

Sometimes you get caught up in other people’s stuff

No worries! 666 is a call to disentangle yourself.

What relationships in your life cause you to continuously feel uneasy, discomforted, or overwhelmed? These relationships are imbalanced. Boundaries are called for.

Remember, the word “no” is a complete sentence.

Imagine how you would feel if less of your lifeforce went to these imbalanced relationships. Would you feel freer? Expansive? Happy? 

You’re called to return to balance. 

What relationships help you feel an even deeper connection with Source and your true self? Who loves and honors you? At the very least, your Unseen Ally does. You’re loved very much, and you’re worthy of this love. 

You Know Truth. Listen.

666 Angel Number Meaning: Choose Rightly

Another angel number 666 meaning is that your Unseen Ally is inviting you to accept the truth. You know the truth; it is within you. Only by choosing to stop and listen can you hear it. While lies and deceptions are attacking, undercutting, or confusing, truth is steady, and constant.

You have two voices in you: one is truth and the other is a trickster. 

You choose which voice you listen to. Truth is only obvious when your connection with Source is strong, you are being a good friend to yourself, and your relationships are balanced. Otherwise, the trickster is able to run amuck.

The trickster likes to invert things, make things backward. 

This is nothing to be afraid of. This trickster is your student. You’re teaching it that truth is far more powerful, loving, and adventurous than any lie. But the tricksterwants to see if it can get away with. It wants to see if it can fool you.

It will often tell you to rest when you need to act or to act when you need to rest.

It loves to trick your focus into things that make you feel anxious, worried, or fearful. And if that doesn’t work, it tries to trick your focus into things that make you feel angry, confrontational, or resistant. Mostly, it just wants to delay you from accepting the truth.

The trickster is a scared bully and nothing more.

For example: You are loved and supported. Period.

If you feel alone, your focus is off. Source, angels, and your Unseen Ally are ALWAYS supporting you, but you are responsible for what and where you focus. Tricksters try to bully, undermine, or hinder your focus. Though, you must remember that you are loved and supported. Choose your focus.

You are guided. Period.

This is why you found this message. You were guided here. This is real. Your guidance is real. And light is constantly supporting you and working to guide you to the truth. But this guidance can only be received if you’re taking responsibility over your lifeforce’s focus.

The trickster is nothing to fear, but it does try to hide the truth. 

Because the truth sets you free.

Angel number 666 is asking you who you have been listening to.

You always know the truth.

Cut Sympathy Energy Cords

666 Meaning: Cut Cords

If you have been seeing angel number 666, your Unseen Ally is inviting you to accept that there is no good in self-sacrifice. While your relationships matter greatly and you play an invaluable role in other people’s lives, you must not sacrifice your wellbeing.

You were guided to this message because you want to see an end to needless suffering, but sometimes you reach into the suffering of others, and because you have a big heart, you can get pulled into their stuff

This is called sympathy.

Sympathy is where your focus and your lifeforce get caught up in the plight of others. Whatever you focus on, that’s where your energy goes. And since the universe requires balance, if you focus on other people’s problems, you will feel their discomfort as if it was your own. Haven’t you noticed this? This is called transference. 

You are here to help ease and end suffering, but you cannot help a thirsty person who refuses to drink. You cannot help someone climb a mountain if they keep pulling everyone back to the basecamp. And if you give too much focused lifeforce to people like this, what do you have left over for those who would graciously receive your aid?

This is easier said than done if the personality in question is tied to a family member, but even still, you are asked to take responsibility for your focus and lifeforce, not theirs. 

Everyone has lessons to learn. 

You can’t learn the lessons others must learn.

Instead of sympathy, your Unseen Ally invites you to have compassion. Compassion says, “I see the greatness in you, and I see your troubles. I recognize that you’re struggling, and I recognize you can take responsibility over your life. I am responsible for me, and you are responsible for you.”

Sympathy climbs into a pit with others and becomes trapped there.

Compassion ties a rope to a tree, throws the other end into the pit, and yells: “You can climb if you want to, but I can’t wait here anymore.”

Love knows when to say “no,” but the trickster energy will always take as much as it can.

Seeing 666 is a humbling invitation to leave sympathy and enter compassion.

The Power of Allies

666 angel number meaning: Powerful Ally

Who are your allies?

Of course, you have your Unseen Ally, your greatest ally next to Source; we will talk about your Master Unseen Ally in a moment. You have your unseen allies (ancestors, ascended masters, elemental helpers, spirit animals) and angels (archangels, seraphim, and all angelic beings loyal to Source). 

Who are you loyal to? Are they loyal to you? Who do you give your focused lifeforce to? And do you feel balance and fulfillment when you focus on them?

Some allies, like teachers, healers, and guides, support you for just moments. These magical helpers are agents of Source who show up in obvious or mysterious ways. These are soul allies, some of whom you have known for a long time. They tend to arrive right on time, and leave right on time, too. 

These allies are reflections of Source’s loyalty to you. You are loved and supported.

Some allies, like proven friends, are close to you. They are always a phone call away. Time does not matter when it comes to those allies. You always pick up right where you left off. There is mutual compassion on both sides. You’re there for each other through temporary challenges, and like mirrors reflecting progress, you help each other enjoy your journey through life.

These allies are a rare blessing. Always be loyal to those who have been loyal to you.

And then there are the third kind of allies. These allies are tricksters who greatly improve your appreciation of truth and boundaries. While they may not seem to be allies, they are also extensions of Source. For as you refuse their tricks, hold boundaries, and stand firm in the face of truth, you compel them to reevaluate. It is a tricky alliance.

These allies might not be pleasant. However, they do help you learn to say “no” and accept truth.

If you have been seeing 666, pause and consider where your focused lifeforce has been flowing, and ask yourself the following: 

Have I been as loyal to Source as Source is to me? 

Who has been loyal to me and deserves more loyalty? 

Who has been not loyal or walked the line of betrayal and reminds me to be loyal to myself? 

The Call of Divine Service

Angel Number 666: Time To Call In Support

Perhaps one of the most important meanings of the angel number 666 is service.

Sometimes, it is very easy to get caught up in the materialistic, superficial, and popular. Ego is a trickster and many people are tricked by the questionable agendas out there. That’s why your unseen allies and angels are inviting you to consider that you are a messenger of Source. You are part of Source and have a wonderful role to play.

Sometimes the promise of quick money is very enticing. Sometimes the new shiny object grabs our attention. Sometimes peer pressure is intense.

If you have been caught up in these tricks, no worries. It happens. 

You can free yourself by simply asking the following: In what role is your joy the greatest? You are a part of a very wonderful and great unfolding. Source is a master strategist, and you are part of the divine plan. The question is: What is your role?

If you had all the money in the world, all the shiny objects, and everything you ever wanted, what would you do? What would you want to contribute, share, and offer?

This divine service is your soul’s purpose. It is your soul path (something we will discuss if you decide to work with your Unseen Ally. In being of service, you are one with Source.

And that is a joy no amount of money, shiny objects, or fake popularity can buy.

The matter plane can be tricky at times; luckily, you have a loyal companion.

Your Loyal Companion

666 Meaning: Loyal Ally

Your unseen allies and angels all support and assist your Unseen Ally

Your Unseen Ally is your best friend; they support you whenever you call for help, remind you of your soul’s ability to be of divine service, reveal the true motives of others, and help you to connect with your loyal soul tribe.

Guardian angel, Christ or Buddha self, higher self, and true self are all aliases of your Master Unseen Ally. Your Unseen Ally is your best friend, truth speaker, and relationship counselor for your soul.

This is who reminds you to remember Source and reconnect.

This is who helps you listen to the truth within you.

This old friend is the reason you have been seeing the angel numbers and why you found this page. You were guided here.

Your Unseen Ally is like the best friend who reminds you to take responsibility for your life and helps you to do so. They also show you the truth, help you free yourself from tricksters, and connect you with your true tribe so you can be supported and be of service in balance.

This is not too good to be true. This is what you are here to discover.

Your Unseen Ally is why you’re here now reading these words.

You are supported, but will you allow yourself to receive this support?”

What’s Next?

Angel Number 666: What's Next

If you take responsibility and face the truth, you will see something beautiful behind this message. Your unseen allies and angels supported your Unseen Ally’s efforts to help you.

Angel number 666 was sprinkled around, and you took responsibility to do some research. You were carefully guided to this page where you were reminded that Source loves you, strength is within you, and there are loyal friends.

As you listened to and accepted that you know the truth, you acknowledged that you do deserve to be free of energy cords. True and proven loyalty originate from Source, and your soul’s divine calling to be of service is part of a masterful plan.

You have a great and wonderfully loyal companion who will happily support you every step of the way, if you are courageous enough to ask for help.

CLICK HERE to meet your Unseen Ally.

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has directly worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan helps his clients remember their inner-truth (and hidden soul skills) via the Unseen Ally, a uniquely powerful guidance tool.

Ryan likes veggie tacos, snowboarding, hammocking by a river with a good book, playing video games, helping old souls remember their true SELF (especially if they are incarnated angels), and chocolate (in all forms – but especially rice crispy bars). And laughter! He likes laughter too, and joy…the return to innocence is always enjoyed :)

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

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