Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels​

You Can Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels!?

Archangel Michael Explains why Patience is a Virtue and Joy Helps with Patience.

{ — via Archangel Michael — }

Patience is a virtue. If you will allow me a moment, I will show you that time is not as limited as you might think. I will reveal a means for you to fully accept that you are supported, loved, and guarded.

May I have this moment?

For I will not take it from you unless you’re willing to gift it to me.

When you ‘give’ time permission to exist – instead of ‘resisting’ or ‘fighting’ time – you will constantly discover that all your miracles, synchronicities, and opportunities have happened in these ‘given’ moments, giving yourself time allows your field to widen, open, and clear…

In contrast, if you ‘resist’ or ‘fight’ time your field tightens, compresses, and becomes compromised.

The ego (namely the lower ego who is willfully asleep or resistant to the Divine Strategy of Victory) will constantly tell you that you’re running out of time, misusing time, or need to be anxious in time otherwise you’ll miss an opportunity.

Ego (lower) is not eternal.

However, you – the awareness – are the keeper of your HIGHER ego. Your conscious kinship with your SELF.

Your SELF – the I AM PRESENCE (or whatever semantics feel best for you) – is not bound to the limitations of time.

You may stress over a flower that hasn’t bloomed, but your stress afflicts you each moment you fight the time needed for maturation.

You may stress that this personality or that personality seems so much further ahead of you, but your stress only blinds you to how far ahead you are in your own unique arenas of mastery.

You may stress over your resources, stating “Once this happens, I’ll be okay…” but your stress binds and blocks you from allowing this very manifestation to take form.

I ask, quietly and humbly, in this moment that you have granted me…

…IF you have read and heard these words, do you feel any more calm?

Do you feel any more support?

Can you sense you are loved?

Do you sense protection?

For YOU – in this state of expanded awareness, honoring time – are the very AWARENESS that transcends all the limitations that are of the lower-ego’s worries.

WE have your back.

And WE are beyond the limits of time;  WE have anticipated all timelines through all dimensions, and WE are eternal generals and master strategists. 

WE have your back.

Honor time, because time belongs to us. It was given out of grace to enable some to CHOOSE to come home, but whether or not they do, DIVINE TIMING cannot be contested… 

…when eternity touches time, time responds instantly.

Breathe. Flow. Enjoy the Moment.

Honor the emotions that present themselves to you. If anxious emotions (like anger or depression) show up, smile at them – neither ‘resisting’ nor ‘fighting’ them – and let them go…

…time heals. 

…time helps you let go.

…time allows you to choose freedom. 

You have allies who are beyond time’s limitations – and we, who are eternal, can influence time through the mystery of Divine Timing.

But you will only notice if you are at peace with time. Stress, anxiousness, and fear only blind you – thus, it is encouraged that you breathe.

And maybe let yourself giggle and laugh a bit more (especially if you seldom laugh or laugh a lot).

~ Michael

{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has personally worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan was recruited to aid those loyal to the Master Redeemer by Archangel Michael on a mountain top in British Columbia. The date: November 11th 2011. Ryan said “yes,” and thought he would be given a magic sword and super powers ;)

But, no, instead Michael trained Ryan in three cycles of three years (nine years). The first to melt his ego and humble him. The second to clear the illusions from his past. The third to remold him so he could effectively relay these messages for you :) Ryan is a ground-support-bro, but our real focus here is remembering your air-support…via Unseen Ally.

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

...It's Like Having a Spirit Guide in Your Pocket™

Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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Discover THREE
Kinds Of Guardian Angels You Can Call Upon for HELP