Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels​

You Can Call Upon THREE Kinds Of Guardian Angels!?

How To Be Fully Present In The Moment (Even When Life Is VERY Distracting)

How to be Fully Present in the Moment when your thoughts and feelings pulling you in ever direction.

Wondering how to be fully present in the moment can feel like trying to light a wet match in the rain. You know you want to be present, but for some reason you can’t seem to just make it happen.

There are countless distracting factors in life. Each distraction seems to build off of previous distractions and fuel additional distractions. If you’re not careful you can find yourself in a tangled knot of thoughts and feelings. And it can be extremely frustrating.

If you’re a student of the Seven Soul Paths, The PATH OF THE AWAKENER focuses on restoring clarity of mind by cutting through all the noise. Instead of the monkey mind, those who walk this path understand their capacity to access inner-wisdom and deeper knowing. From there, they can discern what choices need to be made.

The following message is either an imaginative writing or actual channeled message from Archangel Michael. You be the judge. You can feel truth. And if you’re wondering who is Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael in the bible is spoken of in Daniel 12:1.

“At that time Michael, the Archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be protected.” Michael’s presence is very strong these days. And he offers his loving support as you transcend the old nonsense and emerge into your Christ Consciousness (i.e. your Higher Self, Anointed Consciousness).

The following message is via Archangel Michael. Trust your intuition. You know when truth is spoken.

Transcendence is your birthright 🙂 You’ve got this…

{ — Via Archangel Michael — }



I’m so glad to share this moment with you.

Truly, I AM GLAD.

Do you know why?

Because this moment is the only moment like this moment within all the collective moments that have or ever shall be. This moment is a unique intersection of eternity and time. It is one of a kind.

And together, we share this moment…

…and we can only share this moment NOW.

I’m most grateful.

Thank you for sharing this moment with me.

If I may, could I share a consideration?

It is a simple one…

But sometimes a clever ego might fight, confuse, or undermine such a simple consideration.

Often, the most simple things are simple because they are TRUTH.

I AM a fan of TRUTH.

I have found that TRUTH heals everything.  And I have found that it flushes out everything that needs some healing.  And I have found it can even reach that which is thought to be incapable of healing.

Why is TRUTH so profound?

Why is TRUTH felt instantly?

Why is TRUTH so triggering at times?

Why is TRUTH so healing?

I’m most grateful to share this moment with you. For this moment is unique. It may seem like other moments, but it is not – this moment is its own.  There are no moments like this moment – neither before or to come.

Unique within the great collective of all moments. This moment is one of a kind.  And I AM grateful we are sharing it. In this moment, I ask you to consider something…

…it cannot be considered before or later…

…it can only be considered in this moment.


If there is something that needs to be noticed, why not notice it NOW? Why not honor that something within you KNOWS what to do… KNOWS the TRUTH… and KNOWS that TRUTH HEALS?

What is Healing if not for the dissolving of dis-harmony (chaos, pain, worry, fear, and the like); healing is the restoration of harmony (peace, joy, freedom, faith, and the all that you TRULY are).

Life – within the human form – is not perfect.

You would be very bored if it was.

However, imperfection can learn to be Divine.


The great question is – in this moment – will you pause? Will you put your hands on your heart? Will you honor your breath?

Will you notice any part of you that is urgent, quick, and ready to skip the moment – and love this part of you? Will you continue with the exercise despite the feelings of resistance?

Will you giggle at the fact I called this part out and I am smiling as I remind you of ego-impatience which seldom tolerates true stillness.

Will you consider that there are many personalities around you who house egos filled with thoughts and emotions that are somewhat chaotic?

Will you consider that there is a deep knowing within you – in this moment, not later, not before, but now. Always now. NOW as in HERE and NOW.

Will you lovingly honor the subtle or overt thoughts and feelings that want to run from this moment – wether they are yours or whether they are from those around you…

Will you choose accept that you can BE centered within the stillness of this moment and notice how POWERFUL, LOVED, and AWARE you are as you BE in this moment fully.

For the lower-ego may drift to past or future, but is it not the lower-ego who needs you – the AWARENESS – to heal it? The lower ego is your student and you – the AWARENESS – are its teacher… But does this healing happen yesterday or tomorrow, or does healing happen NOW, in THIS MOMENT?





In this present moment.

When is dis-harmony being soothed and your strength and harmony being deepened and strengthened?

I AM so glad to share this moment with you. 

Thank You. 

Thank you for all the light-MASTERY that you just practiced. I smile and love those who resisted this lesson in remembrance, and I truly cherish you who have practiced this most absolute and eternal mastery.

I AM so glad to share this moment with you.

For WE are always NOW – never tomorrow nor yesterday, WE are NOW.







I hope you will continue with the Unseen Ally Meditation, and I offer a reminder – the visuals within this meditation are designed to help strengthen your subconscious mind and to protect you from negative influences…

…a daily practice – or every other day is ideal.

Making it to the top of the mountain is a quest that could be undertaken once a week or once a month. But ultimately it can only be practiced:


“I can, I Can, I CAN… I AM.”


Thank You for sharing this moment with US.

The TRUTH IS that all WE have is THIS MOMENT.

The NOW.

For yesterday is was and tomorrow is not yet.

But NOW – NOW is special.

Honor this moment.

~ Michael

{ — via Archangel Michael /END — }

A very powerful purification prayer/mantra you can recite is simply, “By the Authority of Jesus Christ the LORD, Glory Be To GOD.” I do not push religion here, but I will say that I’ve even had borderline atheist clients utilize this prayer/mantra to send unclean spirits out of their lives (and back to the LIGHT).

You have to do your part, but never underestimate Divine Intervention.

A powerful and related article is found at 111 Angel Number.

Thank You for reading 🙂

Ryan Angelo (the writer) has personally worked with thousands of people from many different countries to help them transcend their hidden webs of toxic anxiety (tied to family or life) and strategically ‘real-ize’ the life of their highest joy.

Ryan was recruited to aid those loyal to the Master Redeemer by Archangel Michael on a mountain top in British Columbia. The date: November 11th 2011. Ryan said “yes,” and thought he would be given a magic sword and super powers ;)

But, no, instead Michael trained Ryan in three cycles of three years (nine years). The first to melt his ego and humble him. The second to clear the illusions from his past. The third to remold him so he could effectively relay these messages for you :) Ryan is a ground-support-bro, but our real focus here is remembering your air-support…via Unseen Ally.

Your Unseen Ally...

This is for spiritual seekers who desire to establish a daily spiritual practice, Unseen Ally is a spiritual evolution tool designed to help you reconnect to personal guidance so that you can remain grounded during life’s ups and downs.

...It's Like Having a Spirit Guide in Your Pocket™

Lessons From Archangel Michael:

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Discover THREE
Kinds Of Guardian Angels You Can Call Upon for HELP